Friday, January 11, 2008

Walking Away

After reading Oedipus Rex, I walk away with a greater confusion of life as I know it. Are we really fated to fufill our destinys, or do we live life the way we want to, free to make our own decisions and our own path in life? This play really made me think about that topic, but I still feel that we are free to make our own choices in determining our course. No prophecy can truly be fulfilled, for everyone and anymore can easily avoid the fate they are "destined" to have, and cannot be tied down by the word of the gods. Also, I felt that the play was actually very repetitive. How many different metaphors did Socrates find for the dramatic irony that Oedipus killed his father and slept with his mother, all the while trying to find the culprit? All of his wordplay and illusionary writing really just repeated the same thing over and over. I am not one of those teenage students who just hates everything he reads in school, but this play was truly boring. Lastly, the themes in the play were not applicable in my life today, seeing as how I have no fate to be fulfilled.


cheesecakechick said...

how do you have no fate to be fulfilled? what did you mean by this? i agree with you about what you said...but do you think we decide our own fate or is it already decided for us?

Plant said...

I'd like to start this post by thanking cheesecakechick for a great post. I am always appreciative to hear from a fan. In response to your question, however, I must deter from the two options of answer your gave me, whether we decide our own fate or is it already decided for us. My take on it is: there is no such thing as fate (no way! did he really say that?!) Therefore, we neither decide our own fate nor have it predetermined for us. I think of life as a simple mathematical equation: Life = What we choose + Stuff that happens out of our control / sin(we eventually just die and nobody remembers us so why does it matter), all in parenthesis raised to the -1/2 power. So again, thanks for the question and I hope I have clarified my post to you.